Bloomberg Opinion's Ben Schott identifies five comprehensible core reasons, why it can make sense to discard a logo's depth and detail and «debrand» it:

1 – Mobile First sesign

The need to shrink a logo into a tiny digital box.

2 – Decluttered Design

Turning away from the past years visual excess in logo design that was mainly driven by the ever-increasing abilities of design software.

3 – Brand Maturity

The urge to re-align the visual appearance with the brands personality that has grown into a more mature, hence less playful and more sophisticated state.

5 – Design Adaptability

A debranded logos open up the opportunity to create content specific adaption of the logo and create a systemic use of different logo variants.

Given this 5 reasons, it's quite likely that the trend to rebrand logos is here to stay quite a while.

But is it the only approach to successfully tackle the aspects outlined above?
I don't know. Time will tell.

Watch Ben Schott's full video here on YouTube.